Bookworm: ‘Our Gen’ – Adult themes and delightful surprises (2024)

“Our Gen: A Novel”

  • By Diane McKinney-Whetstone
  • c. 2022, Amistad
  • $26.99, 256 pages

Sometimes, you just have to lay your burden down. When it’s heaviest, when your arms can’t support it and your back breaks from the weight of it, when your shoulders and your heart ache from it, release it. Let it go, let it be. Or, as in the new novel, “Our Gen” by Diane McKinney-Whetstone, ask a friend to lend a hand.

Bookworm: ‘Our Gen’ – Adult themes and delightful surprises (1)

Cynthia hated everything about the Sexagenarian, an over-55 complex to which she’d moved. She hated that her son and his wife had all but forced her to move there, that “The Gen” wasn’t her old house, and that all her belongings were in boxes. As she lamented to her best friend, Gabrielle, Cynthia missed her old neighborhood and her old life.

Having said that, now, she did have to admit that her newly-built cottage was airy and bright and, contrary to what she was afraid of, she wasn’t the only Black person in a sea of white faces. Oh, and she also met a man, not even 24 hours after moving in, although he didn’t seem like he was exactly single.

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Bloc never meant to sleep with Cynthia because he thought he was dating Tish – although Tish could be cruel sometimes, like she was better than everybody. Still, he enjoyed being around her and her friends. Being the only Black man living at The Gen was very interesting...

It had been years – decades, actually – since Tish’s father had died on the floor of a brothel, but she never forgot the humiliation of it. Imagine: her father, a widely respected professor, a charismatic speaker, in the arms of a common trollop!

Tish spent her entire life erasing the idea of it all.

Bookworm: ‘Our Gen’ – Adult themes and delightful surprises (2)

Having worked as a sometime-spy for most of her adult life, Lavia loved living at The Gen. It was a great place to practice her skills and besides, she was born on a cruise ship and never really had a home before. Lavia didn’t talk about her past, but she knew things – things like, for instance, that secrets and half-truths can’t stay hidden forever.

Ahhhhhh. That’s what you’re going to say when you have a cold beverage next to your chair and this wonderful surprise of a book in your lap.

You have to love a novel that starts out like “Our Gen” does, with a holistic medicine that works too well, and a hazy tryst on an air mattress. Everything moves up from there in an easy story told with the feel of a lazy-hot afternoon spent listening to music with good friends.

But don’t get too comfortable. Author Diane McKinney-Whetstone has some shockers in store for her readers, the kind that don’t seem like much until two pages later and then ... boom, there’s love and 50-year-old heartache. Snap, the past comes roaring back. Pop, and secrets are gracefully kept.

Beware that there are some adult themes inside “Our Gen,” but truly, it’s an otherwise delightful surprise. Enjoy, and ask yourself if your book club might not be down with it, too.

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“Magic Season: A Son’s Story”

  • By Wade Rouse
  • c. 2022, Hanover Square Press
  • $27.99, 304 pages

You’ve always looked up to your dad.

Sometimes it happened literally, like when you were a child and “up” was the only way to see his face hovering over yours. You’ve looked up at him in anger, embarrassment, dismissal, and yeah, you’ve looked up to him in the best ways, too – never forgetting, as in the memoir “Magic Season” by Wade Rouse, that sometimes, the hardest thing is seeing eye-to-eye.

Bookworm: ‘Our Gen’ – Adult themes and delightful surprises (3)

Wade Rouse threw like a girl. He couldn’t catch a baseball, either, and he wasn’t much of a runner as a young boy. He tried, because his father insisted on it but Rouse was better with words and books and thoughts. He was nothing like his elder brother, Todd, who was a natural hunter, a good sportsman, and an athlete, and their father never let Rouse forget it.

And yet, curiously, Rouse and his dad bonded over baseball.

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Specifically, their love of Cardinals baseball became the one passion they shared. The stats, the players, the idea that “Anything can happen,” the hope that there’d be a World Series at the end of every season was the glue they needed. It was what saved them when Todd was killed in a motorcycle accident. When Rouse came out to his father, Cards baseball was what brought them back together after two years of estrangement.

Bookworm: ‘Our Gen’ – Adult themes and delightful surprises (4)

In between games, though, and between seasons, there was yelling, cruelty, and all the times when father and son didn’t communicate. Rouse accepted, but didn’t like, his father’s alcoholism or his harsh life-lessons: his father didn’t like Rouse’s plans for his own future. Rouse admits that he cried a lot, and he was surprised at the rare times when his father displayed emotion – especially since an Ozarks man like Ted Rouse didn’t do things like that.

Until the time was right.

Love, Wade Rouse says, is “shaped like a baseball.” You catch it, throw it, or hit it out of the park, but “You don’t know where it’s going.”

Just be sure you never take “your eye off it, from beginning to end.”

Oh, my. Oh, my, but “Magic Season” is a ten-hankie book.

First, though, you’re going to laugh because author Wade Rouse is a natural-born humorist and his family is a great launching-pad for him despite the splinters and near-clawing despair of the overall theme of this book. That sense of humor can’t seem to let a good story go, even when it’s obvious that there’s something heartbreaking waiting in the bullpen.

Which brings us to the father-son-baseball triple-play. It may seem to some readers that such a book has been done and done again, but this one feels different. Rouse excels at filling in the blanks on the other, essential teammates in this tale and, like any big skirmish, readers are left breathless, now knowing the final score until the last out.

If you like your memoirs sweet, but with a dash of spice and some tears, right here you go. For you, “Magic Season” is a book to look up.

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The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. She has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. Terri lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 books. Read past columns at

Bookworm: ‘Our Gen’ – Adult themes and delightful surprises (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.