Just noticed somebody stole my Cdn Tire Money (about $230) - Page 3 - RedFlagDeals.com Forums (2025)

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  • Sep 22nd, 2024 12:17 pm


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Sep 16th, 2024 1:31 am
  • #41
Deal Fanatic
Jul 26, 2007
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Sep 16th, 2024 1:31 am

canada168 wrote: Can't login in my account . App ask me to relink triangle rewards card, than after 2 factor login, asking again to relink triangle rewards card, then 2 factor login again and telling me sorry we cannot like your card.

Try web login same problem no reward card info in my account and can't do relink.

Am I the only one ? or my account is stolen or frozen ?


  • Just noticed somebody stole my Cdn Tire Money (about $230) - Page 3 - RedFlagDeals.com Forums (1)

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Sep 16th, 2024 11:13 am
  • #42
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Nov 26, 2011
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Sep 16th, 2024 11:13 am

Kiraly wrote: I redeem CTM every time I shop at CT, which isn't all that often (once every 6-8 weeks maybe), but that's still a lot more frequently than it takes me to earn the minimum amount of PCO points to redeem. Earning 10k PCO points typically takes me 6-9 months.

You can get 10K PCO points in one grocery trip pretty easily. Especially if you load your offers before shopping.

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Sep 16th, 2024 1:08 pm
  • #43
May 26, 2018
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Thornhill, Ontario

Sep 16th, 2024 1:08 pm

peteryorkuca wrote:

CTC is having problems with their system right now.

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Sep 16th, 2024 1:08 pm
  • #44
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Jan 9, 2011
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Sep 16th, 2024 1:08 pm

Rockdaddy22 wrote: You can get 10K PCO points in one grocery trip pretty easily. Especially if you load your offers before shopping.

Looking at my offers right now, to get 10k points in a single trip, I'd have spend $200 on bananas, $100 on canned olives, $100 on frozen vegetables, 40 cartons of eggs, or some combination thereof. Yeah, sorry, not happening. The only way I'm getting 10k points this week is to buy a bunch of stuff I wouldn't otherwise buy, and likely don't want or need...which is exactly what PCO is designed to get people to do. I know that people who rack up tons of points in short order think they are playing the game and winning, but I think it's a lot more likely that the game is playing them.

List of RFD credit card lists
So how much is that loyalty point you earned actually worth?
Did you get hit with customs/duties/import charges on an Amazon.ca purchase? Fight back!

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Sep 16th, 2024 1:17 pm
  • #45
Deal Fanatic
Jul 26, 2007
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Sep 16th, 2024 1:17 pm

Kiraly wrote: Looking at my offers right now, to get 10k points in a single trip, I'd have spend $200 on bananas, $100 on canned olives, $100 on frozen vegetables, 40 cartons of eggs, or some combination thereof. Yeah, sorry, not happening. The only way I'm getting 10k points this week is to buy a bunch of stuff I wouldn't otherwise buy, and likely don't want or need...which is exactly what PCO is designed to get people to do. I know that people who rack up tons of points in short order think they are playing the game and winning, but I think it's a lot more likely that the game is playing them.

You can buy 5 watermelons and get 10k. Some nofrills stores were giving out extra points making it free watermelon.

For Sale BNIB 2021-2024 Ford Bronco OEM Splash Guards Front and Back

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Sep 16th, 2024 1:23 pm
  • #46
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Jan 9, 2011
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Sep 16th, 2024 1:23 pm

peteryorkuca wrote: You can buy 5 watermelons and get 10k.

Just noticed somebody stole my Cdn Tire Money (about $230) - Page 3 - RedFlagDeals.com Forums (6)

List of RFD credit card lists
So how much is that loyalty point you earned actually worth?
Did you get hit with customs/duties/import charges on an Amazon.ca purchase? Fight back!

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Sep 16th, 2024 1:57 pm
  • #47
Apr 4, 2024
91 posts

Sep 16th, 2024 1:57 pm

How can someone even steal your CT money? Is there a loophole in the points program?

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Sep 16th, 2024 6:07 pm
  • #48
Deal Addict
Sep 14, 2012
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Montreal, QC

Sep 16th, 2024 6:07 pm

Rockdaddy22 wrote: You can get 10K PCO points in one grocery trip pretty easily. Especially if you load your offers before shopping.

I don't know what you buy or how much you spend but I generally spend ~$50 in groceries per week where most (~90%) of that is spent at Maxi and there is no way that I would be able to get 10k of PC Points in a single grocery trip especialy with the offers that I get where only about 25%-30% are things that I would normally buy and some of the things that I would normally buy, I haven't finished my earlier purchase yet.

In order for me to get 10k PC points in a single trip, I would have to buy things that I don't really want/need (but could eat/use it). For example, I sometimes see a few hundred PC points if I purchased their cooked/roasted chicken. I'm not going to try to get those points if I don't feel like eating/having their cooked/roasted chicken... likewise for some of the other offers I see

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Sep 16th, 2024 6:10 pm
  • #49
Deal Addict
Sep 14, 2012
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Montreal, QC

Sep 16th, 2024 6:10 pm

michaelsc0tt wrote: How can someone even steal your CT money? Is there a loophole in the points program?

I believe that in order to use the eCTM, one just needs to scan a Triangle rewards card (via bar code) or find/use a stolen Canadian Tire Triangle Mastercard. You get someone's Triangle rewards card or their bar code to scan (or their credit card) and you will be able to use their points especially if you are using a self service kiosk and not using an actual cashier who may ask questions (but likely won't).

The times I used some of my eCTM points for a purchase, I just tapped my Canadian Tire Triangle Mastercard on the payment terminal. I didn't need to enter a PIN and I was just asked if I wanted to use some of my points for my purchase or pay the entire amount with points. I specified "all" and it generated my bill and I just walked out of the store with my merchandise.

I am not 100% sure about using the Triangle Rewards card to pay for the item but I suspect that it is just like PC points redemption where you only need to scan the bar code for the PC Options membership card in order to redeem points.

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Sep 17th, 2024 9:25 am
  • #50
Apr 4, 2024
91 posts

Sep 17th, 2024 9:25 am

lmcjipo wrote: I believe that in order to use the eCTM, one just needs to scan a Triangle rewards card (via bar code) or find/use a stolen Canadian Tire Triangle Mastercard. You get someone's Triangle rewards card or their bar code to scan (or their credit card) and you will be able to use their points especially if you are using a self service kiosk and not using an actual cashier who may ask questions (but likely won't).

The times I used some of my eCTM points for a purchase, I just tapped my Canadian Tire Triangle Mastercard on the payment terminal. I didn't need to enter a PIN and I was just asked if I wanted to use some of my points for my purchase or pay the entire amount with points. I specified "all" and it generated my bill and I just walked out of the store with my merchandise.

I am not 100% sure about using the Triangle Rewards card to pay for the item but I suspect that it is just like PC points redemption where you only need to scan the bar code for the PC Options membership card in order to redeem points.

Gotcha, that makes sense. I suppose having a physical card with barcode makes you more susceptible to fraud like this.

I've only ever had digital cards on the triangle app, so wasn't sure how does one go about stealing points.

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Sep 17th, 2024 12:39 pm
  • #51
Deal Addict
Sep 14, 2012
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Montreal, QC

Sep 17th, 2024 12:39 pm

michaelsc0tt wrote: Gotcha, that makes sense. I suppose having a physical card with barcode makes you more susceptible to fraud like this.

I've only ever had digital cards on the triangle app, so wasn't sure how does one go about stealing points.

Having the physical card just makes it easier to lose the physical card especially if one cannot "lock" the card so that it can't be used and for someone to find it and then use it.

The digital card on the Triangle app can just as easily be "duplicated". It is just a bar code which is being scanned by the self-check-out machine so someone just needs to generate that bar code which has a fair amount of eCTM on it and they would be able to use it. There is no mechanism like the tap to pay feature on credit cards (or debit cards) where the machine reads a unique code generated by whatever NFC/chip mechanism within the card for each transaction (this unique code is not repeated/reused so it is more secure than the magnetic strip on cards or the old "carbon paper" credit card machines).

Remember that at a self-check machine, unless you seem to be having issues or you're acting like you aren't scanning everything in your cart, normally the person monitoring the self-check-out machines doesn't hover or look at what you're doing so if you've "fabricated" a valid Triangle member's bar card, you can just scan it from a print out or from a picture/image on your phone.

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Sep 17th, 2024 3:46 pm
  • #52
Jr. Member
Dec 15, 2007
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Sep 17th, 2024 3:46 pm

This happened to me twice this summer. I'm in BC. Someone in Quebec redeemed all my CT money in store.

After the first time, they issued me a new account number and restored my CT money.

The second time it happened, I was wondering how someone could've gotten my new Triangle number so soon after we changed it.
We think that the scammer somehow has access to my online Triangle profile. They could simply log in and access the new number and barcode. We all know how easy it is to redeem CT money in store.

After the second time, I changed my online password. It hasn't happened since (knock on wood).

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Sep 18th, 2024 2:14 pm
  • #53
Deal Fanatic
Oct 18, 2004
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Sep 18th, 2024 2:14 pm

MayorOfToronto wrote: This happens all the time with points systems. Faaaaaaar more with CTM than any other. Yet people still feel the need to stack up hundreds of dollars. For what? Just spend it as you go. What difference does it make whether you spend it in chunks over time or in one lump sum?

I always redeem the full amount when I shop at CT. Every single time that I need something. But I still racked up hundreds in CTM.

MayorOfToronto wrote: If you don't regularly shop at CT and their stores then why even have their card?

I pay property tax, utilities and kids tuition with this card, nothing else. Unless there's another card giving 1% or more for these payments?

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Sep 18th, 2024 2:50 pm
  • #54
Deal Addict
Sep 14, 2012
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Montreal, QC

Sep 18th, 2024 2:50 pm

MayorOfToronto wrote: This happens all the time with points systems. Faaaaaaar more with CTM than any other. Yet people still feel the need to stack up hundreds of dollars. For what? Just spend it as you go. What difference does it make whether you spend it in chunks over time or in one lump sum?

If you don't regularly shop at CT and their stores then why even have their card?

Stick to cashback if you want to stack up.

PC Options has the ability to lock any rewards card so that it can't be used to redeem PC points. I do remember that when PC points were first introduced, people had their points stolen. Now, with the ability to stop someone from using points on a PC card until it is unlocked, if someone uses this feature, it would limit when someone could use points for their purchases. I lock my PC points card from making purchases and when I plan to redeem some PC points, I just unlock the card. Of course, during the interim between me unlocking it and me actually redeeming the PC points, someone else can redeem it at the same time but this would be less likely.

I can't speak for others but in terms of why I accumulate points without spending/using the points whether it is with PC or CT, for PC points, I look for special event deals before I use my points (like when they say "use 100k points for $125" (or some other increased value from the default $100 for using 100k points). For eCTM, I generally am trying to save for something expensive or something I may need later (like tires or car battery) so it doesn't make sense for me to use them on something that I may not "urgently" need just for the sake of using the small points. Canadian Tire also sometimes offers some promotions for using points so I am also waiting for when they do this to use my points.

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Sep 18th, 2024 11:04 pm
  • #55
Sr. Member
Jul 25, 2010
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Sep 18th, 2024 11:04 pm

I'm pretty sure the problem is as others mentioned that Triangle rewards has no actual security in place, practically like gift cards, and someone just needs to know the card number, which can be replicated either to a virtual card or even physical cards which probably end up costing a few cents per pop for any big enough fraud operation. Imo in most cases this has nothing to do with people somehow accessing other people's online accounts, and going around changing passwords although good to do anyways probably isn't going to help deal with the root cause.

And because the amount of CT money (and even card number for that matter) one has is visible to anyone nearby including the cashier or any skimming device whenever you use your Triangle or CT cards in so many different retailers, it's so easy to find out the numbers and who has a decent amount saved up. This is similar to when you speak out your name and/or phone number when buying something at various places... everyone around you hears it.

In any case, CT does actually offer the ability to lock the redemption. You need to phone in to ask them to lock / unlock it, and if it is tied to your CT MC you also need your pin. It can be a pain not just b/c of this, but also needing to wait X minutes on the phone to do it, but at least you can be rest assured that a fraudster is very unlikely to go through that much trouble to get at your sweet sweet CT rewards inside.

Imo CT should also require something like proof of ID etc when redeeming more than say $5 at once, and the ability to lock it to specific locations or stores.

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Sep 19th, 2024 8:54 am
  • #56
Deal Expert
Jan 27, 2004
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Sep 19th, 2024 8:54 am

ml88888888 wrote: CT or its related stores are not like grocery stores where you can spend your eCTM frequently.

True. But here are some ideas if it helps you spend faster

"CT Money can only be redeemed at Canadian Tire, Sport Chek, Mark's, L'Équipeur, Party City, Pro Hockey Life, Atmosphere, Sports Rousseau, Hockey Experts, L'Entrepôt du Hockey, and participating Sports Experts stores.

https://triangle.canadiantire.ca/en/sup ... s%20stores."

All my threads are upvote parties! All positive vibe post get upvotes.

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Sep 19th, 2024 1:04 pm
  • #57
Jr. Member
Dec 15, 2007
103 posts

Sep 19th, 2024 1:04 pm

It's absurd when you think about the lack of controls they have in place for preventing this.
Overall, fraudsters were easily able to use my account to redeem about $800 worth of merchandise from their stores.

CT reinstated all my lost CT money every time, so it's no skin off my back at the end of the day.
I'm surprised they don't care enough (yet) to invest in proper security.

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Sep 22nd, 2024 12:17 pm
  • #58
Aug 2, 2019
27 posts

Sep 22nd, 2024 12:17 pm

DrAcX wrote: In any case, CT does actually offer the ability to lock the redemption. You need to phone in to ask them to lock / unlock it, and if it is tied to your CT MC you also need your pin. It can be a pain not just b/c of this, but also needing to wait X minutes on the phone to do it, but at least you can be rest assured that a fraudster is very unlikely to go through that much trouble to get at your sweet sweet CT rewards inside.

Imo CT should also require something like proof of ID etc when redeeming more than say $5 at once, and the ability to lock it to specific locations or stores.

If you're hoarding any more than $10 of CT money and don't plan to use it right away, it's time to lock it up
It probably costs CT more to overhaul their rewards system security than to just pay for the fraud, which probably ultimately gets paid for by their insurance, so yeah it's not improving anytime soon

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Just noticed somebody stole my Cdn Tire Money (about $230) - Page 3 - RedFlagDeals.com Forums (2025)
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